Bring your idea to life!

3D designs show perspective companies how your idea will look as a real product.

Don't have a prototype? No Worries.

We turn basic sketches into high quality virtual prototypes.

Basic sketch

Basic Sketch

We’ll start with your rough sketch and our professional design team will work out a high quality design.

Basic sketch

Wireframe Model

Our design experts will prepare a computer model that will be turned into high resolution 3D designs.

Basic sketch

Finished 3D Model

The final visual prototype will show how your invention will look as a finished product.

Look professional,
right from the start.

Make a great first impression and increase your chances of licensing your invention for royalties by presenting high quality designs of your invention.

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Visualize your product.

Creating photorealistic images of your invention will help with marketing your idea and save you lots of money in developing costly working prototypes.

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How to market your invention using 3D designs

Powerful marketing tool

Combine your 3D design with an invention portfolio.

An Invention Portfolio is a web based marketing tool used to showcase your invention to companies. It is a very helpful and efficient tool that consolidates your photorealistic 3D product images or prototype/product pictures with professionally written product descriptions and audio.

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