Invention Portfolios

Prepare your invention for success.

The Invention Portfolio is a web-based marketing tool used for sharing and presenting invention information to companies looking to license or wholesale their next hit product. It simplifies the process of reviewing and licensing inventions thus increasing your chances of success.

What does an Invention Portfolio do for you?


Improves odds of success

An organized, well written and graphically rich presentation will showcase the value of your invention and give companies a great first impression.


Reach More Companies

With a web-based Invention Portfolio and InventionHome's proactive outbound marketing program, it is easier to reach companies across North America looking for new inventions.


Increases Flexibility

Invention Portfolios are used throughout the InventionHome marketing program and can also be used separately by inventors to share directly with companies.

Mobile Ready

Accessible from any device.

Company decision makers can receive and access your invention portfolio on any device inside or outside the office. Invention Portfolios are professionally designed and mobile responsive making it easy to review and evaluate your invention from a wireless device.

Get Started

"We are very pleased with InventionHome's approach for sharing new products. It is very user-friendly and allows us to easily view products that meet our criteria. We recommend InventionHome to inventors."

- Lenfest Media Group

Invention Portfolio Package Options

Choose the package that is best suited to your invention.

Premium Package

A Premium Portfolio includes an interactive 3D prototype that companies can rotate 360°, run functionality animations and zoom for a closer look.

  • Package Includes:
  • Premium Invention Portfolio
    - Portfolio Website (mobile ready) tooltip
    - High Quality 3D Virtual Designs
    - Interactive Virtual Prototype w/Animations
  • Provisional Patent Application
    (Incl. Attorney Review + USPTO filing fee)
  • Audio Enhancement tooltip
  • Success Payback Guarantee tooltip

* Video can be added to your portfolio ($199)
* Each service may be purchased separately


Marketing Program

License, sell or wholesale inventions

  • - Proactive targeted marketing
  • - Online invention showcase
  • - Management of company interest
  • - Royalty negotiation
  • - Contract deliverables management
No Cost tooltip

(20% royalty sharing)

Plus Package

A Plus Portfolio includes high-resolution, 3D designs that show companies how your invention will look as a real life product that they can license.

  • Package Includes:
  • Plus Invention Portfolio
    - Portfolio Website (mobile ready) tooltip
    - High Quality 3D Virtual Designs
  • Provisional Patent Application
    (Incl. Attorney Review + USPTO filing fee)
  • Audio Enhancement tooltip
  • Success Payback Guarantee tooltip

* Video can be added to your portfolio ($199)
* Each service may be purchased separately


Marketing Program

License, sell or wholesale inventions

  • - Proactive targeted marketing
  • - Online invention showcase
  • - Management of company interest
  • - Royalty negotiation
  • - Contract deliverables management
No Cost tooltip

(20% royalty sharing)

Basic Package

A Basic Portfolio is typically selected by inventors who already have a high-quality prototype or finished product available for their invention.

  • Package Includes:
  • Basic Invention Portfolio
    - Portfolio Website (mobile ready) tooltip
  • Provisional Patent Application
    (Incl. Attorney Review + USPTO filing fee)
  • Audio Enhancement tooltip
  • Success Payback Guarantee tooltip

* Video can be added to your portfolio ($199)
* Each service may be purchased separately


Marketing Program

License, sell or wholesale inventions

  • - Proactive targeted marketing
  • - Online invention showcase
  • - Management of company interest
  • - Royalty negotiation
  • - Contract deliverables management
No Cost tooltip

(20% royalty sharing)

Invention Portfolio Samples

Premium Portfolio

Multi Wrench

Bake and Take

Plus Portfolio

Bath Rotation Brush

Animal-Feeding Apparatus

Basic Portfolio

Multi-Dimensional Puzzle

Neck Tie Jr.