Help Center

Frequently asked questions for inventors and companies.

Marketing Questions

Does InventionHome charge a fee to market or license inventions?

No. We ask to share 20% of the royalty if we succeed (you keep 80%). However, we do offer various services that are fee based. See website for details.

What types of marketing deals can InventionHome help with?

We can help with licensing, selling, or wholesaling.

What is licensing?

Licensing is when a company pays you ongoing royalties in exchange for permission to make, use or sell your invention. Typically, the company will pay all costs to develop, manufacture and sell the invention and pay you a royalty from sales of the invention.

What is selling?

The main difference between "selling your invention" and "licensing" is in the transfer of rights. When you sell your invention, you transfer rights of ownership. Licensing is like “renting” your patent rights or invention, which allows you to retain the ownership of your invention.

What is wholesaling?

For inventors with fully developed product, we can help you connect with companies looking to wholesale product directly from you. Through our marketing and licensing process, we target wholesalers, agents, and other companies looking for innovative products.

If I live outside the US, can I still use InventionHome’s program?

Yes. We have worked with inventors from many different countries trying to market their inventions/products in United States. However, while we can market your product to companies located in North America, we do not contact companies outside of the United States.

Can my invention be sold globally?

We do not market to companies outside North America; however, many companies in our network sell their products globally. If your invention is licensed to a company that has global distribution, your product may be sold globally.

Can InventionHome guarantee my success?

No. It is impossible to predict if an invention will succeed in the marketplace. Most companies that license inventions cannot even predict if a product will succeed. They often run market / consumer testing to see how the market will respond to a new product.

Patent Questions

Is InventionHome a law firm?

No. We are not a law firm, and we are not engaged in the practice of law. We do not and cannot practice before the U.S. patent office and cannot offer legal consultation, advice, opinions or services.

What does “First to Invent” mean?

As of 2013, the United States switched from a “First to Invent” to a “First to File” patent system, which means that rather than the Patent Office granting a patent to the first person to invent something, it now goes to the person who files the patent application first.

Who does InventionHome use for search and/or provisional application work?

InventionHome utilizes independent, registered patent attorneys / agents for the completion of patent search and / or provisional patent application work.

How can I file a utility or design patent?

InventionHome can refer you to an independent, registered patent attorney for help with a utility or design patent application or other legal needs. You would then work directly with the independent attorney to fulfill your legal needs.

If I already have a patent, can InventionHome still help with marketing?

Yes. Inventors who have already filed a patent application may still utilize InventionHome’s design and/or marketing program.

What is a patent search?

A patent search is performed for the purpose of finding the most relevant existing U.S. Patents and published U.S. Patents to your invention (referred to as “prior art”) and is typically conducted in the early stages of the application process by an independent patent search firm.

Why is a Patent Search important?

A patent search can help an inventor make a more informed decision on whether or not to move forward with an idea. The search is primarily focused on determining whether a patent on a similar invention has already been issued or published with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Taking steps to protect your idea shows companies that you have a higher level of commitment and are serious about the idea.

What is a Provisional Patent Application?

A Provisional Patent Application (PPA) is a quick, easy and cost-effective way to get your invention on file with the US Patent & Trademark Office. A PPA enables you to establish a priority filing date for your patent and provides 12 months of protection to further develop, market, or prepare a Utility Application. Once you file a PPA, a 12-month clock starts in which a Utility patent application must be filed before the end of the 12-month provisional period. A provisional application is not examined by the USPTO and does not automatically convert to a non-provisional patent.

What is a Non-provisional Patent?

The non-provisional patent is what is traditionally thought of as the “full” patent. It can be of either a “utility” or a “design” variety, and it establishes the filing date and begins the USPTO’s patent review process. It is the only type of application that will result in the issuance of a patent, whereas, a provisional patent application acts as a placeholder for the priority date and allows you to retain “patent pending” status for your invention.

When did the Provisional Patent Application begin?

The provisional application was introduced to U.S. patent law with a 1994 amendment of the Patent Act of 1952. A 12-month benefit of priority to foreign-filed applications had been a part of U.S. patent law since the 1901 U.S. ratification of the Brussels revision of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. The 1994 introduction of the provisional application thus provided a domestic filing equivalent matching the 12-month priority benefit that had been afforded to foreign applications for the better part of the 20th century.