Our Network

Thousands of companies across North America looking for new inventions.

Types of companies in our network


Most manufacturing companies are on the lookout for new inventions to grow and diversify their existing product lines which set them apart from their competitors.


Distributors are equipped to bring products to market through their existing supply chain. Adding exclusive products to their offering is extremely desirable.

Infomercial Companies

Always looking for the next hit product to feature on TV, DRTV and Infomercial companies are hungry for new inventions that solve common problems.


Retailers fill their store shelves with products that fill their customers’ needs and desires. By including innovative, sought-after products, they bring customers in their doors.

Reps & Brokers

Reps & Brokers are uniquely positioned between sellers and buyers, giving them a large potential audience for presenting inventions for license or distribution.

National Trade Shows

Tradeshows are a way to bring “buyers” and “sellers” together under one roof. Featuring innovative products is one way to boost excitement and attendance.

Our network sells to thousands of retailers inlcuding:

International Inventors

Can my invention be sold globally?

Yes. Many companies in our network sell their products globally. You should consider whether a company has international distribution when negotiating a license or sale. Our licensing team can assist you during license negotiation in determining the territory where your product can be sold.

I live outside the US, can I still use InventionHome’s program?

Yes. We have worked with inventors from many different countries trying to market their inventions/products in United States. However, while we can market your product to companies located in North America, we do not contact companies outside of the United States.